


UP Solution 과 같이 일하실 영업사원을 찾습니다

UP Solution 과 같이 일하실 영업사원을 찾습니다

by Ee Sef Lee 2021.02.18

United Merchant Services, Inc.(UMSI) 는뉴저지에본사를27년전통의카드결제전문회사로써미전역에있는고객에게 카드및비현금결제서비스제공하고있습니다.그외에도자회사인UP Solution을통한POS시스템,전화기를 통한모바일결제시스템등고객이필요한모든제품과서비스들을제공하여최적의환경에서비지니스를하실수있도록돕고있습니다.

조지아/테네시/알라바마 지역을 기반으로 저희와 함께 성장할 유능하고 열정적인 B2B Merchant Service Sales Representative (IndependentContractor) 를 모십니다.

United Merchant Services is searching for ambitious B2B MerchantServices Sales to join our merchant service sales team. Since our inception in1994, we have prided ourselves on providing our partners with a stable careerpath to securing financial freedom. You will be representing our award-winningline of patented point of sales (POS) systems with fully integrated paymentprocessing and credit card services in your territory.

As a valued independent contractor, we will provide you withleads, training, and one-on-one support by top Management guarantying yoursuccess. We seek energetic, motivated, and confident people to develop businessrelationships with clients.
Location: Fully Remote
Benefits: Recurring commission for lifetime plus POS sales commission Free to set your own working schedule Part-time work available Daily sales leads and referral Local offices in Hackensack (NJ), Duluth (GA), and Los Angeles (CA) for meetings with customers / clients Multi-lingual support for English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean
For more information, please visit our company website at and orcontact the person below:

Ee Sef Lee